1 |
Database Paging |
Description : I needed to be able to page
through a database of about 1000 records and I was unable to use .AbsolutePage
so I had to try something else. |
2 |
Get the extended properites of your db
connection |
Description : Get all the additional
information on the database you are using via this little known
method. I used this to monitor the activities of my ISP when they
used to host my database, so I knew when they m |
3 |
How to filter a recordset |
Description : Here is how to filter an ADO
Recordset. |
4 |
Oracle: Recordsets from Stored Procedures
using RE |
Description : For people who might be
interested in the new feature of the latest OLE DB providers that
allows one to return recordsets from stored procedures via ADO, here
are the detailed test steps I used: |
5 |
Insert TEXT blob using ADO |
Description : BLOB fields are large objects
stored in binary format in a SQL server are allowed to be enormously
large. This flexibility is offset by the fact that they are often
difficult to deal with. This exmapl |
6 |
Using a Stored Procedure with ADO |
Description : This will connect to your
specified Stored Procedure, refresh the parameters, add each
parameter, and then execute it. Optionally, it has a return value,
as a parameter. This is always useful when ins |
7 |
Version Check |
Description : This checks what software you
are using on your server. |
8 |
ADO Schemas to list tables & fields |
Description : You can examine a Schema for
the table names and column names and column detail information |
9 |
ADO Techniques -- The .maxrecords property |
Description : This page demonstrates the
capabilities how to display a table from a SQL statement but limit
the output to a specific number of records |
10 |
Oracle: Recordsets from Stored Procedures
using RE |
Description : For people who might be
interested in the new feature of the latest OLE DB providers that
allows one to return recordsets from stored procedures via ADO, here
are the detailed test steps I used: |
11 |
Add New Record with ADO |
Description : This page demonstrates the
capabilities how to add a record to a database using ADO instead of
SQL. The script is: |
12 |
Index Server Access via ADO |
Description : The script below demonstrates
how Index Server can be accessed via ADO to do simple searches. |
13 |
Count the Number of Lines |
Description : Count lines (vbLF) in a string
of every record |
14 |
ProgIDInfo Object |
Description : ProgIDInfo returns information
about COM objects installed on the server. ProgIDInfo is useful for
determining the CLSID, typeLib, current version, dll name, path to
dll, library description, etc... f |
15 |
Random Array |
Description : Creates random array |
16 |
Clear Statement |
Description : The Clear statement resets a
variable to Empty or an object reference to Nothing. |
17 |
IIF Function (Immediate If) |
Description : The IIF Function from Visual
Basic. |
18 |
DegC Function |
Description : The DegC function returns the
Celcius equivalent of a Fahrenheit temperature. Use the DegF
Function to convert Celcius to Fahrenheit. |
19 |
Installed Components Checker |
Description : This script can detect
installed components on your IIS.
Useful for people hosting at a provider's server where you often
know what's installed. No installation required, just download the |
20 |
poll |
Description : email poll |
21 |
To avoid null in asp environment using sql |
Description : if
you are selecting just one column then this caode can hel |