Displaying Source Code(s)
Count the Number of Lines
Description : Count lines (vbLF) in a string of every record
<!-- #Include file="connect_strings.asp" -->
<!-- #Include file="adovbs.inc" -->
Dim strSql, rsScript
strSql = "SELECT ScriptCode FROM Scripts"
Set rsScript = objConn.Execute(strSql) 'execute sql call
Dim CodeLine, StrCode, StrAll, CountAll, LineCount
CodeLine = ""
Do Until rsScript.EOF
StrCode = (rsScript("ScriptCode"))
CodeLine = "" & CodeLine & StrCode
StrAll = Trim(Server.HTMLEncode(CodeLine))
CountAll = Split(StrAll,vbLf, -1, 1)
StrAll = ""
LineCount = UBound(CountAll)
Response.Write LineCount
<% Call DBConnClose(ObjConn) %>