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Get the extended properites of your db connection
Description : Get all the additional information on the database
you are using via this little known method. I used this to
monitor the activities of my ISP when they used to host my
database, so I knew when they moved it from server to server. An
example of this output would be: ...Connnection Open. Extended
PropertiesDSN=pscDSN;Description=Added online by Ian
Ippolito;UID=PSCId;PWD=PSCPsd;APP=Internet Information
Services;WSID=PscUid;server= Note:substitue YourDSN
with the name of your DSN, or if you are using OLEDB, replace
the whole connection string with the one you use.
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
'create connection variable
Set rconConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
rconConnection.Open "DSN=YourDSN"
...Connnection Open.<BR>
Response.Write "Extended Properties" &
rconConnection.Properties.Item("Extended Properties")