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<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
//Feel free to use this game on your site just keep a link to
me. and email me at vlkeee@yahoo.co.in
// Monster generator
function opponent() {
var bigrandum = Math.round(Math.random() * 20)
var randum1 = Math.round(Math.random() * 7)
var randum2 = Math.round(Math.random() * 6)
var yourlevel = parseFloat(document.game.level.value)
var randum = randum1 + randum2 + (yourlevel * 2)
var yourlife = parseFloat(document.game.life.value)
var cash = parseFloat(document.game.money.value)
var yourlife = parseFloat(document.game.life.value)
var yourattack = parseFloat(document.game.attackdamage.value)
if (bigrandum == 18) {
document.game.money.value = Math.round(cash - (cash * .10))
alert("A monkey stole " + Math.round(cash * .10) + " gold from
if (bigrandum > 13) {
document.game.life.value = yourlife + 1
if (randum1 == 1){
if (randum2 == 2) {
document.game.life.value = Math.round(yourlife * .90)
alert("Flame damage " + Math.round(yourlife * .10) + " hit
document.game.badguy.value = "Flaming Monkey"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 10
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 5
document.game.badlife.value = 50
return false
if (randum2 == 1) {
document.game.attackdamage.value = yourattack + 1
alert("You found a strength pill")
document.game.life.value = Math.round(yourlife * .85)
alert("Radiation damage " + Math.round(yourlife * .15) + " hit
document.game.badguy.value = "Radiated Mutant Monkey"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 30
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 10
document.game.badlife.value = 200
return false
if (1 > yourlife) {
alert("YOU ARE DEAD")
document.game.experience.value = "DEAD"
document.game.money.value = 0
return false
if (randum == 2) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Rabbit"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 1
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 8
document.game.badlife.value = 6
if (randum == 3) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Funky Chicken"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 2
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 8
document.game.badlife.value = 8
if (randum == 4) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Monkey"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 3
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 8
document.game.badlife.value = 10
if (randum == 5) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Fat Rabbit"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 4
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 8
document.game.badlife.value = 9
if (randum == 6) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Fly"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 1
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 5
document.game.badlife.value = 1
if (randum == 7) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Drunken Monkey"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 2
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 8
document.game.badlife.value = 10
if (randum == 8) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Mutant monkey"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 2
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 5
document.game.badlife.value = 15
if (randum == 9) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Super Fly"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 3
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 5
document.game.badlife.value = 25
if (randum == 10) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Sea Monkey"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 5
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 3
document.game.badlife.value = 30
if (randum > 11) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Flaming Monkey"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 10
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 5
document.game.badlife.value = 50
if (randum == 12) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Small Child"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 0
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 1
document.game.badlife.value = 3
if (randum == 13) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Funky Chicken"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 3
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 5
document.game.badlife.value = 30
if (randum == 14) {
document.game.life.value = yourlife - 3
alert("Ouch!! You hit a trap. Lost 3 hit points.")
if (randum == 15) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Infected Monkey"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 3
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 5
document.game.badlife.value = 35
if (randum == 16) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Infected Monkey"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 3
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 5
document.game.badlife.value = 35
if (randum == 17) {
document.game.money.value = cash + 15
alert("You found 15 Gold")
if (randum == 18) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Mad Cow"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 7
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 4
document.game.badlife.value = 55
if (randum == 19) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Rabid Racehorse"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 5
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 8
document.game.badlife.value = 60
if (randum == 20) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Marshmellow Man"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 6
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 8
document.game.badlife.value = 100
if (randum == 21) {
document.game.life.value = Math.round(yourlife * .75)
alert("Ouch!! You hit a trap. lost " + Math.round(yourlife *
.25) + " hit points.")
if (randum == 22) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Hungry Hungry Hippo"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 7
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 4
document.game.badlife.value = 95
if (randum == 23) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Armed Monkey"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 10
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 2
document.game.badlife.value = 90
if (randum == 24) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Heavily Armed Monkey"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 15
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 5
document.game.badlife.value = 100
if (randum == 25) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Lizard King"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 5
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 12
document.game.badlife.value = 111
if (randum == 26) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Insane Clown"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 10
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 5
document.game.badlife.value = 99
if (randum == 27) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Armed Monkey"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 10
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 2
document.game.badlife.value = 90
if (randum == 28) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Drunken Master"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 30
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 9
document.game.badlife.value = 150
if (randum == 29) {
document.game.life.value = Math.round(yourlife * .75)
alert("Ouch!! You hit a trap. Lost " + Math.round(yourlife *
.25) + " hit points.")
if (randum == 30) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Drunken Master"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 30
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 9
document.game.badlife.value = 150
if (randum == 31) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Drunken Master"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 30
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 9
document.game.badlife.value = 150
if (randum == 32) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Radiated Mutant Monkey"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 30
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 10
document.game.badlife.value = 250
if (randum == 33) {
document.game.badguy.value = " Invisible Monkey"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 20
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 19
document.game.badlife.value = 200
if (randum == 34) {
document.game.badguy.value = "War Monkey"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 40
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 10
document.game.badlife.value = 350
if (randum == 35) {
document.game.badguy.value = " Invisible Monkey"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 20
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 19
document.game.badlife.value = 200
if (randum == 36) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Super High Samurai"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 50
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 3
document.game.badlife.value = 400
if (randum == 37) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Super High Samurai"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 50
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 3
document.game.badlife.value = 400
if (randum == 38) {
document.game.badguy.value = "War Monkey"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 40
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 10
document.game.badlife.value = 400
if (randum > 38) {
if (yourlevel > 22) {
document.game.badguy.value = " B A L D O"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 200
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 19
document.game.badlife.value = 6666
document.game.baldo.value = 1
} else {
if (bigrandum == 3) {
document.game.badguy.value = "Drunken Master"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 30
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 9
document.game.badlife.value = 350
return false
document.game.badguy.value = "Super High Samurai"
document.game.enemyattack.value = 50
document.game.enemyarmor.value = 3
document.game.badlife.value = 400
function attacker() {
var swordbonus = parseFloat(document.game.swordbonus.value)
var armorbonus = parseFloat(document.game.armorbonus.value)
var shieldbonus = parseFloat(document.game.shieldbonus.value)
var amuletbonus = parseFloat(document.game.amuletbonus.value)
var ringbonus = parseFloat(document.game.ringbonus.value)
var randum = Math.round(Math.random() * 20)
var randum1 = Math.round(Math.random() * 40)
var yougethit = parseFloat(document.game.armorclass.value)
var hegethit = parseFloat(document.game.enemyarmor.value)
var hurted = parseFloat(document.game.enemyattack.value)
var enemylife = parseFloat(document.game.badlife.value)
var yourattack = parseFloat(document.game.attackdamage.value)
var yourlife = parseFloat(document.game.life.value)
var enemyattack = parseFloat(document.game.enemyattack.value)
var yourexperience = parseFloat(document.game.experience.value)
var yourlevel = parseFloat(document.game.level.value)
var yourmoney = parseFloat(document.game.money.value)
var enemyarmor = parseFloat(document.game.enemyarmor.value)
var baldoo = parseFloat(document.game.baldo.value)
var story = parseFloat(document.game.story.value)
//========== Level up=====================================
if (23 > yourlevel) {
if (yourexperience > ((yourlevel * 100) + .35 * yourexperience))
document.game.level.value = yourlevel + 1
alert("LEVEL UP!!")
document.game.life.value = yourlife + (25 * yourlevel)
document.game.attackdamage.value = yourattack + 1
if (33 > yougethit) {
document.game.armorclass.value = yougethit + 1
if (yourlevel == 1) {
document.game.storyline.value = "As you adventure further you
discover that several villages have suffered the same fate as
yours. There are few survivors. Most of them are elderly or
children. "
if (yourlevel == 2) {
document.game.storyline.value = "The monsters seem to be coming
from the north so you decide to search there. You are no match
for some of the stronger creatures that you have encountered so
you must continue to defeat enemies and gain strength. "
if (yourlevel == 3) {
document.game.storyline.value = "You are definitely heading in
the right direction. Witnesses tell you that the prisoners were
taken north. You are assured when you hear that the victims are
always captured in their sleep and appear unharmed. Maybe your
family is still alive."
if (yourlevel == 4) {
document.game.storyline.value = "You are getting stronger with
every enemy you kill. But these monkeys are highly trained and
they are only getting tougher. As long as you sleep during the
day you should be able to defend yourself against them."
if (yourlevel == 5) {
document.game.storyline.value = "MESSENGER--The king has ordered
you to report to his castle as soon as possible. We have heard
of your heroics, please come help us!!--"
if (yourlevel == 6) {
document.game.storyline.value = "You have arrived at the Kings
castle. You tell the guards who you are and that the king has
summoned you. They don't believe you at first. They say that
they thought you would be much bigger. You eventually convince
them of your identity and you are brought before the King.
KING--Are you the warrior that has bravely defeated so many of
these monsters. YOU--Yes.--KING--Then go o to the courtyard and
defeat the monsters that have overrun it. Then report back to
me. --"
if (yourlevel == 7) {
document.game.storyline.value = "All the monsters in the
courtyard have been defeated so you return to the king.
KING--Thank you. My entire army has been wiped out. The only men
I have left are guarding the castle walls. I do not know how
muck longer I can resist. You must seek out the lair of the Mad
Scientist Baldo. I ordered him to stop experimenting with the
creation of monsters. When he refused I banished him from the
kingdom. He is the madman responsible for all this."
if (yourlevel == 8) {
document.game.storyline.value = "You wait until just before
morning and follow a drunken monkey back to Baldo's lair. You
see a soldier on the ground and approach him. SOLDIER--You are
the only one left that can stop Baldo before he takes over the
world. He is invincible to normal attacks. That is how he
defeated the Royal Army. You must figure out a way to stop him."
if (yourlevel == 9) {
document.game.storyline.value = "You are now in the house of the
madman. If your family is still alive then they should be here.
The monsters here are many times stronger but so are you."
if (yourlevel == 10) {
document.game.storyline.value = "Your village Chief calls to you
from his hiding spot. CHIEF--Your family is all right. They have
been telling everyone that they knew you would come to help
them. I escaped from the monsters but there is nowhere to run.
Most of our village is still alive, but that scientist is using
the prisoners to feed his monsters. Turn back now and try to
survive as long as you can. There is no way you can defeat
Baldo. I watched as he destroyed the entire Royal Army."
if (yourlevel == 11) {
document.game.storyline.value = "Your determination to rescue
your family has helped you become a powerful warrior. But you do
not know if it will be enough to defeat Baldo."
if (yourlevel == 12) {
document.game.money.value = yourmoney + 800
document.game.storyline.value = "Baldo's ASSISTANT--Please don't
kill me. I am only working for Baldo to keep him from feeding me
to his monsters. To kill Baldo you will need a ring. Without one
you cannot hit him. With one of Baldo's rings you can hit him
easily. You will need his sword to do enough damage to kill him,
and his shield, and armor to withstand his attacks. Here is 800
gold, it should be enough to buy a ring from someone who has
found one."
if (yourlevel == 15) {
document.game.storyline.value = "You have the knowledge of how
to defeat Baldo. Now it is a matter of getting stronger and
acquiring the right items before your family becomes monster
if (yourlevel == 22) {
document.game.storyline.value = "You have reached the peak of
your skill. The risks of searching have become high. It is time
to take on Baldo. Only continue to search if it is necessary."
return false
//=========================Hit or
if (1 > yourlife) {
alert("YOU ARE DEAD")
document.game.experience.value = 0
document.game.money.value = 0
document.game.storyline.value = "DEAD"
return false
if (enemylife > 0) {
if (randum > (hegethit - ringbonus)) {
if (randum == 14) {
document.game.badlife.value = enemylife - ((yourattack +
swordbonus) * 2)
alert("Critical Hit!!! you did " + ((yourattack + swordbonus) *
2) + " points of damage!")
} else {
document.game.badlife.value = enemylife - (yourattack +
alert("You hit the enemy for " + (yourattack + swordbonus) + "
damage points")
if (randum1 > (yougethit + armorbonus)) {
document.game.life.value = yourlife - (enemyattack -
alert("You got hit for " + (enemyattack - shieldbonus) + " hit
// =========================REWARDS
if (1 > enemylife) {
document.game.badlife.value = "DEAD"
document.game.baldo.value = baldoo + 1
document.game.experience.value = yourexperience + (enemyattack *
document.game.money.value = yourmoney + (enemyattack * randum)
alert("You have defeated your oppenent. You aquired " +
(enemyattack * randum) + " gold. And " + (enemyattack *
enemyarmor) + " experience")
if (randum == 15) {
document.game.life.value = yourlife + 15
alert("You Found Magic Beans plus 15 to hitpoints")
if (document.game.enemyattack.value == 200) {
document.game.level.value = 1
document.game.experience.value = 1
document.game.badguy.value = "Baldo is Dead!!!"
document.game.storyline.value = "Baldo has been defeated!!! You
have saved your family and the world. The people have elected
you the new ruler of the kingdom. "
alert("BALDO has been defeated!!")
function heal() {
var yourlife = parseFloat(document.game.life.value)
var healpower = parseFloat(document.game.healpower.value)
if (1 > yourlife) {
alert("YOU ARE DEAD")
document.game.experience.value = 0
document.game.money.value = 0
return false
var cash = parseFloat(document.game.money.value)
var yourlife = parseFloat(document.game.life.value)
var yourexperience = parseFloat(document.game.experience.value)
if (cash > 24) {
document.game.money.value = cash - 25
document.game.life.value = yourlife + healpower
document.game.experience.value = yourexperience + 1
function buysomethin() {
var yourlevel = parseFloat(document.game.level.value)
var randum2 = Math.round(Math.random() * 12)
var randum = Math.round(Math.random() * 12)
//================store 1 items======
if (randum == 1) {
document.game.item1.value = "Magic Sword+3/cost= 200/"
document.game.xitem1.value = 1
if (randum == 2) {
document.game.item1.value = "Shield/cost= 75"
document.game.xitem1.value = 2
if (randum == 3) {
document.game.item1.value = "EnhancedShield+2/cost= 150"
document.game.xitem1.value = 3
if (randum == 4) {
document.game.item1.value = "Shield/cost= 85"
document.game.xitem1.value = 2
if (randum == 5) {
document.game.item1.value = "Value Meal/cost=40"
document.game.xitem1.value = 5
if (randum == 6) {
document.game.item1.value = "SuperShield+3/cost= 200"
document.game.xitem1.value = 6
if (randum == 7) {
document.game.item1.value = "Armor/cost= 75"
document.game.xitem1.value = 7
if (randum == 8) {
document.game.item1.value = "UltimateArmor+4/cost= 300"
document.game.xitem1.value = 8
if (randum == 9) {
document.game.item1.value = "Ring of Skill/cost=100"
document.game.xitem1.value = 9
if (yourlevel > 9) {
if (randum == 10) {
document.game.item1.value = "BALDO'S Armor/cost=900"
document.game.xitem1.value = 10
if (randum == 11) {
document.game.item1.value = "BALDO'S Sword/cost=900"
document.game.xitem1.value = 11
if (randum == 12) {
document.game.item1.value = "BALDO'S Shield/cost=900"
document.game.xitem1.value = 12
//===============store2 items==========================
if (randum2 == 1) {
document.game.item2.value = "Sword/cost=75"
document.game.xitem2.value = 1
if (randum2 == 2) {
document.game.item2.value = "EnhancedShield+2/cost=150"
document.game.xitem2.value = 2
if (randum2 == 3) {
document.game.item2.value = "Amulet 0f Life,Heal=8/cost=75"
document.game.xitem2.value = 3
if (randum2 == 4) {
document.game.item2.value = "Amulet 0f Life,Heal=10/cost=100"
document.game.xitem2.value = 4
if (randum2 == 5) {
document.game.item2.value = "Iron Armor+2/cost=200"
document.game.xitem2.value = 5
if (randum2 == 6) {
document.game.item2.value = "Skill Book/cost=75"
document.game.xitem2.value = 6
if (randum2 == 7) {
document.game.item2.value = "Book/cost=50"
document.game.xitem2.value = 7
if (randum2 == 8) {
document.game.item2.value = "Strength Pill/cost=300"
document.game.xitem2.value = 8
if (randum2 == 9) {
document.game.item2.value = "Ring of Skill+2/cost=150"
document.game.xitem2.value = 9
if (yourlevel > 10) {
if (randum2 == 10) {
document.game.item2.value = "BALDO's Ring/cost=800"
document.game.xitem2.value = 10
if (randum2 == 11) {
document.game.item2.value = "BALDO'S Amulet/cost=900"
document.game.xitem2.value = 11
function buyitem1() {
var theitem = document.game.xitem1.value
var yourmoney = parseFloat(document.game.money.value)
var yourattack = parseFloat(document.game.attackdamage.value)
var yourstuff = document.game.items.value
var yougethit = parseFloat(document.game.armorclass.value)
var yourlife = parseFloat(document.game.life.value)
var swordbonus = parseFloat(document.game.swordbonus.value)
var armorbonus = parseFloat(document.game.armorbonus.value)
var shieldbonus = parseFloat(document.game.shieldbonus.value)
var amuletbonus = parseFloat(document.game.amuletbonus.value)
var ringbonus = parseFloat(document.game.ringbonus.value)
if (theitem == 1) {
if (yourmoney > 199) {
document.game.money.value = yourmoney - 200
document.game.swordbonus.value = 4
document.game.item1.value = "Bought"
document.game.xitem1.value = 0
document.game.items.value = "Magic Sword+3 "
if (theitem == 2) {
if (yourmoney > 74) {
document.game.money.value = yourmoney - 75
document.game.shieldbonus.value = 1
document.game.item1.value = "Bought"
document.game.xitem1.value = 0
document.game.yourshield.value = "Shield"
if (theitem == 3) {
if (yourmoney > 149) {
document.game.money.value = yourmoney - 150
document.game.shieldbonus.value = 2
document.game.item1.value = "Bought"
document.game.xitem1.value = 0
document.game.yourshield.value = "EnhancedShield+2 "
if (theitem == 4) {
if (yourmoney > 84) {
document.game.money.value = yourmoney - 85
document.game.shieldbonus.value = 1
document.game.item1.value = "Bought"
document.game.xitem1.value = 0
document.game.yourshield.value = "Shield "
if (theitem == 5) {
if (yourmoney > 39) {
document.game.money.value = yourmoney - 40
document.game.life.value = yourlife + 15
document.game.item1.value = "Bought"
document.game.xitem1.value = 0
if (theitem == 6) {
if (yourmoney > 199) {
document.game.money.value = yourmoney - 200
document.game.shieldbonus.value = 3
document.game.item1.value = "Bought"
document.game.xitem1.value = 0
document.game.yourshield.value = "SuperShield+3 "
if (theitem == 7) {
if (yourmoney > 74) {
document.game.money.value = yourmoney - 75
document.game.armorbonus.value = 1
document.game.item1.value = "Bought"
document.game.xitem1.value = 0
document.game.yourarmor.value = "Armor"
if (theitem == 8) {
if (yourmoney > 299) {
document.game.money.value = yourmoney - 300
document.game.armorbonus.value = 4
document.game.item1.value = "Bought"
document.game.xitem1.value = 0
document.game.yourarmor.value = "UltimateArmor+4"
if (theitem == 9) {
if (yourmoney > 99) {
document.game.money.value = yourmoney - 100
document.game.ringbonus.value = 2
document.game.item1.value = "Bought"
document.game.xitem1.value = 0
document.game.yourring.value = "Ring of Weapon Skill"
if (theitem == 10) {
if (yourmoney > 899) {
document.game.money.value = yourmoney - 900
document.game.armorbonus.value = 5
document.game.item1.value = "Bought"
document.game.xitem1.value = 0
document.game.yourarmor.value = "BALDO'S Armor"
alert("Now you can withstand Baldo's powerful attacks")
if (theitem == 11) {
if (yourmoney > 899) {
document.game.money.value = yourmoney - 900
document.game.swordbonus.value = 150
document.game.item1.value = "Bought"
document.game.xitem1.value = 0
document.game.items.value = "BALDO'S Sword "
alert("You got BALDO'S Sword!!")
if (theitem == 12) {
if (yourmoney > 899) {
document.game.money.value = yourmoney - 900
document.game.shieldbonus.value = 75
document.game.item1.value = "Bought"
document.game.xitem1.value = 0
document.game.yourshield.value = "BALDO'S Shield"
function buyitem2() {
var theitem = document.game.xitem2.value
var yourmoney = parseFloat(document.game.money.value)
var yourattack = parseFloat(document.game.attackdamage.value)
var yougethit = parseFloat(document.game.armorclass.value)
var healpower = parseFloat(document.game.healpower.value)
var yourexperience = parseFloat(document.game.experience.value)
var swordbonus = parseFloat(document.game.swordbonus.value)
var armorbonus = parseFloat(document.game.armorbonus.value)
var shieldbonus = parseFloat(document.game.shieldbonus.value)
var amuletbonus = parseFloat(document.game.amuletbonus.value)
var ringbonus = parseFloat(document.game.ringbonus.value)
if (theitem == 1) {
if (yourmoney > 74) {
document.game.money.value = yourmoney - 75
document.game.swordbonus.value = 2
document.game.item2.value = "Bought"
document.game.xitem2.value = 0
document.game.items.value = "Sword "
if (theitem == 2) {
if (yourmoney > 149) {
document.game.money.value = yourmoney - 150
document.game.shieldbonus.value = 2
document.game.item2.value = "Bought"
document.game.xitem2.value = 0
document.game.yourshield.value = "Enhanced Shield+2 "
if (theitem == 3) {
if (yourmoney > 74) {
document.game.money.value = yourmoney - 75
document.game.healpower.value = 8
document.game.item2.value = "Bought"
document.game.xitem2.value = 0
document.game.youramulet.value = "Amulet 0f Life/Heal = 8"
if (theitem == 4) {
if (yourmoney > 99) {
document.game.money.value = yourmoney - 100
document.game.healpower.value = 10
document.game.item2.value = "Bought"
document.game.xitem2.value = 0
document.game.youramulet.value = "Amulet 0f Life/Heal = 10"
if (theitem == 5) {
if (yourmoney > 199) {
document.game.money.value = yourmoney - 200
document.game.armorbonus.value = 3
document.game.item2.value = "Bought"
document.game.xitem2.value = 0
document.game.yourarmor.value = "Iron Armor+2"
if (theitem == 6) {
if (yourmoney > 74) {
document.game.money.value = yourmoney - 75
document.game.item2.value = "Bought"
document.game.experience.value = yourexperience + 65
alert("You read a book. Gained 50 Experience")
document.game.xitem2.value = 0
if (theitem == 7) {
if (yourmoney > 49) {
document.game.money.value = yourmoney - 50
document.game.item2.value = "Bought"
document.game.experience.value = yourexperience + 400
alert("You read a book. Gained 25 Experience")
document.game.xitem2.value = 0
if (theitem == 8) {
if (yourmoney > 299) {
document.game.money.value = yourmoney - 300
document.game.item2.value = "Bought"
document.game.attackdamage.value = yourattack + 2
alert("You took a pill. Gained some strength")
document.game.xitem2.value = 0
if (theitem == 9) {
if (yourmoney > 149) {
document.game.money.value = yourmoney - 150
document.game.ringbonus.value = 3
document.game.item2.value = "Bought"
document.game.xitem2.value = 0
document.game.yourring.value = "Ring of Weapon Skill+2"
if (theitem == 10) {
if (yourmoney > 799) {
document.game.money.value = yourmoney - 800
document.game.ringbonus.value = 10
document.game.item2.value = "Bought"
document.game.xitem2.value = 0
document.game.yourring.value = "BALDO'S Ring"
alert("With this powerful item you now have the ability to hit
if (theitem == 11) {
if (yourmoney > 999) {
document.game.money.value = yourmoney - 900
document.game.healpower.value = 50
document.game.item2.value = "Bought"
document.game.xitem2.value = 0
document.game.swordbonus.value = swordbonus + 10
document.game.shieldbonus.value = shieldbonus + 20
document.game.youramulet.value = "BALDO'S Amulet"
alert("This Magical Amulet raises your healpower to 50. It also
gives an attack bonus and a shield bonus.")
ENCTYPE="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" name="game">
<P><B><A HREF="http://www.playandpost.com/"><FONT SIZE="5"
COLOR="#333333" FACE="Viner Hand ITC">BALDO'S
<P><TEXTAREA NAME="storyline" ROWS="9" COLS="62">You are a
farmer in a small village. Recently strange monsters have been
abducting your fellow villagers. You try not to get involved
until your house is attacked In the middle of the night. You
attempt to fight them off but are Knocked unconscious. When you
come to your family is missing and your farm is destroyed. You
go to look for help but soon realize that you are the only one
left in the village.
So you set out to discover the source of this evil
and try to restore your life to the way it once was.
HEIGHT="179" BGCOLOR="#666666">
<TD WIDTH="187" BGCOLOR="black"> <A
HREF="http://www.playandpost.com/"><FONT SIZE="1"
COLOR="#006600">Brought to you by
<TD WIDTH="208" BGCOLOR="black">
<P ALIGN="RIGHT"><B><FONT COLOR="silver" FACE="Viner Hand
<TD WIDTH="247" BGCOLOR="black"> </TD>
<TD WIDTH="187" BGCOLOR="#333333"><FONT FACE="Arial Narrow">
<TD WIDTH="208" BGCOLOR="#333333">
<TD WIDTH="247" BGCOLOR="#333333"><FONT FACE="Arial Narrow">
<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="swordbonus" SIZE="-1"
VALUE="0"><INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="shieldbonus" SIZE="-1"
VALUE="0"><INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="armorbonus" SIZE="-1"
VALUE="0"><INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="amuletbonus" SIZE="-1"
VALUE="0"><INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="ringbonus" SIZE="-1"
<TD WIDTH="187">
<P><FONT FACE="Arial Narrow">Gold =<INPUT TYPE="TEXT"
NAME="money" SIZE="5" VALUE="20"></FONT>
<TD WIDTH="208">
<P><FONT FACE="Arial Narrow"> Life = <INPUT TYPE="TEXT"
NAME="life" SIZE="5" VALUE="50"></FONT>
<TD WIDTH="247">
<P><FONT FACE="Arial Narrow"> Armor Class = <INPUT TYPE="TEXT"
NAME="armorclass" SIZE="3" VALUE="20"></FONT>
<TD WIDTH="187">
<P><FONT FACE="Arial Narrow"> Experience = <INPUT TYPE="TEXT"
NAME="experience" SIZE="9" VALUE="0"></FONT>
<TD WIDTH="208">
<P><FONT FACE="Arial Narrow"> Attack Damage = <INPUT TYPE="TEXT"
NAME="attackdamage" SIZE="4" VALUE="5"></FONT>
<TD WIDTH="247">
<P><FONT FACE="Arial Narrow"> Level = <INPUT TYPE="TEXT"
NAME="level" SIZE="3" VALUE="1"></FONT>
<TD WIDTH="187"><FONT FACE="Arial Narrow"> </FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="208"><FONT FACE="Arial Narrow"> </FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="247"><FONT FACE="Arial Narrow"> </FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="187" BGCOLOR="#333333">
<TD WIDTH="208" BGCOLOR="black">
<TD WIDTH="247" BGCOLOR="#333333">
<TD WIDTH="187">
<P ALIGN="CENTER"><INPUT onclick=attacker() type=button
value=Attack name=attack>
<TD WIDTH="208" BGCOLOR="#333333">
<P><FONT FACE="Arial Narrow"> <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="badguy"
<TD WIDTH="247" BGCOLOR="#666666">
<P><FONT FACE="Arial Narrow">Sword-<INPUT TYPE="TEXT"
NAME="items" SIZE="21"></FONT>
<TD WIDTH="187">
<P><INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="healpower" SIZE="-1"
VALUE="5"><INPUT onclick=heal() type=button value="HEAL
cost=25$" name=Submit>
<TD WIDTH="208" BGCOLOR="#333333"><FONT FACE="Arial Narrow">
</FONT><FONT COLOR="#FFFBF0" FACE="Arial Narrow">Hit Points
=</FONT><FONT FACE="Arial Narrow">
<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="badlife" SIZE="5"></FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="247" BGCOLOR="#666666">
<P><FONT FACE="Arial Narrow">Shield-<INPUT TYPE="TEXT"
NAME="yourshield" SIZE="21"></FONT>
<TD WIDTH="187">
onclick=opponent() type=button value=SEARCH name=findstuff>
<TD WIDTH="208" BGCOLOR="#333333"><FONT FACE="Arial Narrow">
<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="enemyattack" SIZE="-1"><INPUT
TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="enemyarmor" SIZE="-1"></FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="247" BGCOLOR="#666666">
<P><FONT FACE="Arial Narrow">Armor-<INPUT TYPE="TEXT"
NAME="yourarmor" SIZE="21"></FONT>
<TD WIDTH="187" BGCOLOR="#666666"><FONT FACE="Arial Narrow">
TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="story" SIZE="-1" VALUE="0"></FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="208" BGCOLOR="#666666">
COLOR="#FFFBF0" FACE="Arial Narrow">STORE</FONT></B>
<TD WIDTH="247" BGCOLOR="#666666">
<P><FONT FACE="Arial Narrow">Amulet-<INPUT TYPE="TEXT"
NAME="youramulet" SIZE="21"></FONT>
<TD WIDTH="187" BGCOLOR="#666666">
onclick=buyitem1() type=button value=Buy name=Submit>
NAME="item1" SIZE="24"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="247" BGCOLOR="#666666">
<P><FONT FACE="Arial Narrow">Ring-<INPUT TYPE="TEXT"
NAME="yourring" SIZE="21"></FONT>
<TD WIDTH="187" BGCOLOR="#666666">
onclick=buyitem2() type=button value=Buy name=Submit2>
NAME="item2" SIZE="24"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="247" BGCOLOR="#666666"><FONT FACE="Arial Narrow">
<TD WIDTH="56" HEIGHT="21"><FONT FACE="Garamond"> </FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="243" HEIGHT="21">
<P ALIGN="CENTER"><B><FONT FACE="Garamond">Items</FONT></B>
<TD WIDTH="56" HEIGHT="26">
<TD WIDTH="243" HEIGHT="26">
<TD WIDTH="56"><FONT FACE="Garamond">Sword-</FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="243"><FONT FACE="Garamond">Gives a bonus to your
<TD WIDTH="56"><FONT FACE="Garamond">Shield-</FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="243"><FONT FACE="Garamond">Absorbs damage</FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="56"><FONT FACE="Garamond">Armor-</FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="243"><FONT FACE="Garamond">Improves armor
<TD WIDTH="56"><FONT FACE="Garamond">Amulet-</FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="243"><FONT FACE="Garamond">Raises heal
<TD WIDTH="243" HEIGHT="27"><FONT FACE="Garamond">Increases
chance of hitting</FONT></TD>
<P ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Abadi MT Condensed Light">Tips-
Save your money for later in the game when very important items
become available. Some items must be purchased to beat the game.
Choose your opponents wisely you do not have to fight every
opponent. Every time you search you risk hitting a trap or being
robbed. If you can hit an invisible monkey then you can hit
<A HREF="LALITH/"><FONT COLOR="#006600">Brought to you by LALITH
<P ALIGN="CENTER">Email vlkeee@yahoo.co.in