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Proper Case
Description : If you've used ASP for a while you'll notice that
VBScript doesn't support StrConv so you can't proper case your
code. Here is small function to include in your ASP that will do
that for you.
function ProperCase(sString)
Dim lTemp
Dim sTemp, sTemp2
Dim x
sString = LCase(sString)
if Len(sString) Then
sTemp = Split(sString, " ")
lTemp = UBound(sTemp)
For x = 0 To lTemp
sTemp2 = sTemp2 & UCase(Left(sTemp(x), 1)) & Mid(sTemp(x), 2) &
" "
ProperCase = trim(sTemp2)
ProperCase = sString
End if
End function