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Worlds Fastest Listbox w/Application Data
Description : Sometimes data (like a HTML list box) is displayed
on many pages of a website. In fact, the database generated list
box is displayed thousands of times a day, and the database is
queried every time, but it is unnecessary. The database it is
drawn from is not changing thousands of times a day. In the
following example any page that displays the list boxes needs to
only access the application variables, not hit the database.
Very speedy. If the data changes or gains new records, a trigger
mechanism could be added to sense data changes and only rebuild
the list box if records were added or changed. These scripts is
a "proof of concept" script that displays the listboxes without
re-querying the database. If you like this approach, this is
merely a "proof of concept" and "teaching example". A much more
thorough implementation of caching and high speed data retrieval
is at: http://www.learnasp.com/learn/rsfast.asp which is a very
fast database retrieval library I made and add features and
speed tweaks too constantly that supports caching mechanisms
too. ListMakedemo.asp is the main script. Simple enough.
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
City: <!--#include virtual="/learn/test/listcity.asp"-->
State: <!--#include virtual="/learn/test/liststate.asp"-->
Zip: <!--#include virtual="/learn/test/listzip.asp"-->
ListCity.asp displays listbox of cities.
<!--#include virtual="/learn/test/lib_listmake.asp"-->
If application("list_city")="" Then
mySQL="select distinct city from publishers"
End If
Response.Write application("list_city")
ListState.asp displays listbox of states
<!--#include virtual="/learn/test/lib_listmake.asp"-->
If application("list_states")="" Then
mySQL="select distinct state from publishers"
End If
Response.Write application("list_states")
ListZip.asp displays listbox ofzips.
<!--#include virtual="/learn/test/lib_listmake.asp"-->
If application("list_zips")="" Then
mySQL="select distinct zip from publishers"
End If
Response.Write application("list_zips")
Lib_Listmake.asp Is a library that makes it easier To make
Function query2htmList(myquery,myname,myDSN)
Dim conntemp, rstemp
Set conntemp=Server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
conntemp.open myDSN
Set rstemp=conntemp.execute(myquery)
query2HTMlist="<Select name='" & myname & "'>"
Do until rstemp.eof
If IsNull(thisfield) Or thisfield="" Then
' ignore
query2HTMlist=query2HTMlist & "<option>" & thisfield &
End If
query2HTMlist=query2HTMlist & "</select>"
Set rstemp=Nothing
Set conntemp=Nothing
End Function
ListMakeClear.asp Is a crude mechanism To force all the
listboxes To refresh. It could be invoked On a timed basis
(every 15 minutes For example) Or triggered by data-changes.