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Select Case Example
Description : Using IF-THEN can be cumbersome, prone to
programmer errors and slower to execute. A more efficient
construct is SELECT CASE. It is optimized for testing one
variable against many conditions.
</head><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<form action="caserespond.asp" method="get">
Your First Name<Input NAME="FirstName" MaxLength=20><p>
Your Last Name<Input NAME="LastName" MaxLength=20><p>
<Input Type=submit><p><Input Type=reset>
Here Is the Select Case that will determine what the form Input
</head><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
Nice To Meet You <%=fname%> <%=lname%><p>
<%If fname="" then%>
Sorry we are Not On a first name basis...<p>
<%end If
Select Case LCase(lname)
Case "washington","adams"
Response.Write "The first president has same last name<p>"
Case "jefferson"
Response.Write "The third president has same last name<p>"
Case "lincoln"
Response.Write "The sixteenth president has same last name<p>"
End select%>
</body></html> |