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Easy Floater


Description : This script is like my other floater script, but it is much easier to configure and understand. This code won't baffle you like many other floaters. Complete instructions included.

<TITLE>Floating Menu</TITLE>
<!-- Begin

// Instructions:
// This Is a fairly simple code To Get running. There are
// a few things that you need To Do, however. First, you
// need To Set a value For the setTimeout() method near the
// bottom of the code. Don't forget to add the onLoad event
// handler To the <BODY> tag. Then go take a look down below
// the <BODY> tag. You'll have to change a couple values for
// the <DIV> tag. Those values are "left:10px" And "top:10px".
// The value For Left defines how many pixels that floating
// stuff should be from the Left edge of the screen, And
// the value For top Is the number of pixels the stuff should
// be from the top edge. The final thing you have To Do In this
// code Is tell it what To float. Typically, this would be
// a table Or image, acting As a navigational menu. But, whatever
// you place between the <DIV>...</DIV> tags will float.
// I commented out various lines below To help the script's
// readibility. If you have any problems, please e-mail Me at:
// jmornin@gateway.net.
// Good Luck!

// First, Declare the variables
var mover = Null
var object = "menu"

// Check If browser Is Netscape. If it Is, assign a certain value To "mover"
If (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1) {
var mover = "document.menu.top = window.pageYOffset"

// If the browser Is Not Netscape, assign a different value To "mover"
Else {
var mover = "menu.style.pixelTop = document.body.scrollTop"


// Now the Function
Function check() {
object = "menu"
setTimeout("check()", 10) // The number after "check()" Is In milliseconds (lower number = less lag time)

// End of the code -->

<!-- Don't forget the onLoad event handler -->
<BODY onLoad="check()">

<!-- Here's the div tag; refer to the instructions at the top for more info -->
<DIV id="menu" style="position:absolute; visibility:show; left:10px; top:10px; z-index:0">
This Text will scroll.

<!-- The line breaks below are just To give the page some depth, so the effect can be seen. -->




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