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URLDecode Function
Description : The URLDecode function decodes a URL encoded
string back into the original text.
Private Function URLDecode(ByVal encodedstring)
Dim strIn, strOut, intPos, strLeft
Dim strRight, intLoop
strIn = encodedstring : strOut = _
"" : intPos = InStr(strIn, "+")
Do While intPos
strLeft = "" : strRight = ""
If intPos > 1 Then _
strLeft = Left(strIn, intPos - 1)
If intPos < Len(strIn) Then _
strRight = Mid(strIn, intPos + 1)
strIn = strLeft & " " & strRight
intPos = InStr(strIn, "+")
intLoop = intLoop + 1
intPos = InStr(strIn, "%")
Do While intPos
If intPos > 1 Then _
strOut = strOut & _
Left(strIn, intPos - 1)
strOut = strOut & _
Chr(CInt("&H" & _
Mid(strIn, intPos + 1, 2)))
If intPos > (Len(strIn) - 3) Then
strIn = ""
strIn = Mid(strIn, intPos + 3)
End If
intPos = InStr(strIn, "%")
URLDecode = strOut & strIn
End Function