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ASP to static HTML for speed
Description : If you have a large amount of data to give to the
user as HTML and this data needs to change once a day then this
will speed up the process for the user. The following code will
create a file the first time a page is hit for each day. The
upside of doing it this way is you have a record of what the use
saw on any given day. The downside is the first person takes the
performance hit to write the page and you need to check to make
sure the user came to this page first. In other words, if they
save yesterdays page as a fovorite then they will see old data
unless you redirect. I used the month and day to handle this
problem. I did not use the year. There are many other ways to
handle this problem.
Dim fs, fsmyfile, todayfile, ckdayfile, cr, qt
'Get name of file as it needs to be toda
' y
'Create FileSystemObject
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'File may not be built
On Error Resume Next
'Check to see if we already have the HTM
' L file Built
Set fsmyfile = fs.OpenTextFile("c:inetpubscriptsaspjeff"+todayfile,1,0)
If err<>0 Then 'Need To build today
fsmyfile.Close 'Close File
Set fsmyfile = fs.OpenTextFile("c:inetpubscriptsaspjeff"+todayfile,8,1,0)
cr=Chr(13) 'Save some typing (I'm lazy)
qt=Chr(34) 'The Only way I could Get the quote marks correct
codeout="<%@ LANGUAGE=""VBSCRIPT"" %"&">"&cr
codeout=codeout&cr&"if today<>"&qt&ckdayfile&qt&" then"&cr
codeout=codeout&"else %"&">"&cr
"<TITLE>Write and Check Raw HTML For Speed</TITLE>"&cr&_
"Hello todays file is called "&todayfile&cr&_
"<"&"%End if"&cr&_
Response.Redirect(todayfile) 'Send them to new file
Response.Redirect(todayfile) 'Send them to current file
End if%>