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File/Path/Extension Stripping
Description : These routines can strip a file name from a path,
a directory from a path, and an extension from a path. They can
also determine the parent directory path. They are fairly simple
routines that I use in misc. places.
' ---------------------------------------
Function ParentDirectory(ByVal asDirectory)
If Len(asDirectory) = 0 Then Exit Function
asDirectory = Replace(asDirectory, "/", "")
If Right(asDirectory, 1) = "" Then
asDirectory = Left(asDirectory, Len(asDirectory) - 1)
End If
If asDirectory = "" Then Exit Function
If InStr(1, asDirectory, "") = 0 Then Exit Function
asDirectory = Left(asDirectory, InStrRev(asDirectory, ""))
ParentDirectory = asDirectory
End Function
' ---------------------------------------
Function CurrentDirectory()
CurrentDirectory =
' CurrentDirectory = Server.MapPath("/")
End Function
' ---------------------------------------
Function StripDirectory(ByVal asPath)
If asPath = "" Then Exit Function
asPath = Replace(asPath, "/", "")
If InStr(1, asPath, "") = 0 Then Exit Function
asPath = Left(asPath, InStrRev(asPath, ""))
StripDirectory = asPath
End Function
' ---------------------------------------
Function StripFileName(ByVal asPath)
If asPath = "" Then Exit Function
asPath = Replace(asPath, "/", "")
If InStr(asPath, "") = 0 Then Exit Function
If Right(asPath, 1) = "" Then Exit Function
StripFileName = Right(asPath, Len(asPath) - InStrRev(asPath,
End Function
' ---------------------------------------
Function StripFileExt(sFileName)
If sFileName = "" Then Exit Function
If InStr(1, sFileName, ".") = 0 Then Exit Function
StripFileExt = Right(sFileName, Len(sFileName) -
InStrRev(sFileName, ".") + 1)
End Function