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Sort arrays
Description : Vbscript function that sorts an one-dimensional
array of number either ascending or descending. This function
sorts using the well known double for..next principle. Script
gives an overview of passing parameters and especially passing
arrays of numbers to a function.
'--------Begin Function----
Function fnSort(aSort, intAsc)
Dim intTempStore
Dim i, j
For i = 0 To UBound(aSort) - 1
For j = i To UBound(aSort)
'Sort Ascending
If intAsc = 1 Then
If aSort(i) > aSort(j) Then
intTempStore = aSort(i)
aSort(i) = aSort(j)
aSort(j) = intTempStore
End If 'i > j
'Sort Descending
If aSort(i) < aSort(j) Then
intTempStore = aSort(i)
aSort(i) = aSort(j)
aSort(j) = intTempStore
End If 'i < j
End If 'intAsc = 1
Next 'j
Next 'i
fnSort = aSort
End Function 'fnSort
Dim aUnSort(3), aSorted
aUnSort(0) = 4
aUnSort(1) = 2
aUnSort(2) = 6
aUnSort(3) = 20
'call the function
'second argument:
' * ascending sorted = 1
' * descending sorting = any other chara
' cter
aSorted = fnSort(aUnSort, 1)
Erase aUnSort