There are 5 rounds in the THBS recruitment process.
1. Mathematical Apti.
Consists of 20 tough maths, time alloted 20 mins. Its really
difficult to solve those 20 ques in the given time. Plz try
to do just 10 maths properly, & for the rest take a guess
coz there r no -ve marking.
Maths given from R.S.Agarwal book, e.g. time and work,
trains, age prob, displacement prob e.t.c.
2. G.D
Topics r really easy. They give topics on current affairs.
My topic was "Should Ganguly be made the captain of India
team again". There is 1 more topic that is "Reservation of
3. Technical Written
4. Logical Apti
These 2 rounds consists two different papers, but u hav to
do it in the same time. In the technical paper there r 20
ques in OS and debugging of C codes. And the logical part
consists of 15 ques. Total tym alloted for these 2 rounds
was 45 mins.
5.Personal Interview
In this round they just ask u simple ques abt urself, ur
family,ur qualification, any project that u've done, ur
hobbies e.t.c. Be clear wot u say. And never lie.
The whole process started at 9 am. In the 1st round there r
1500 students from which 69 students cleared. From GD it
comes to 49 students. And lastly they hav taken only 27
students. But one thing is common in all those rounds, that
is i've cleared them all. And by God's grace i'm placed in
Torry Harris Business Solutions.
Just keep one thing in mind that "dreams are not a matter of
chance, but a matter of choice". So never stop dreaming. And
hope to see u in THBS soon.
Take Care. Believe in God. |