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Syntel Placement Paper


Hi friends. My name is vaibhav narkhede.. I m completing my engg from kdk college�in a faculty of comp tech. syntel company visited Nagpur for campus recruitment at 24th march 2007.

I will be explaining the paper details now.......first of all, the pattern was like this

There r two section Reasoning & Verbal total 40 marks
Reasoning --25      verbal--- 15
CUTOFF --13               --- 8

Note: The paper was little bit tougher than the other comp�.if the competition will more they�ll extend the cutoff in the last��BUT MOST IMP THING IS THAT IF U HAVE GOOD PERCENTAGE IN 10TH ,12TH AND IN ENGG (CGPA) U WILL GET THE BETTER ADVANTAGE THAN OTHER. Because most of my friend also cleared the apti test but they were not short listed due to the less %age in 10th ,12th & in engg�But I was the university 2nd topper and I have good %age in 10th and 12th and in engg (80,79,70) I was being short listed for interview�

There are mainly two interviews first is TI and another is HR.
The TI is little bit tougher than HR�.if u have cleared Ur TI by full confidence�.ur chances for selections will Inc...Friendssssss be cool & confident at the time of interview�.and before going to the interview don�t forget to take Xerox of each and every mark sheet and two passport photo�.otherwise they give u tension at the main time of interview�

Technical interview:
Please may I get in sir�.
sir: yes please��
sir: good afternoon vaibhav�
me : good afternoon sir
Sir: tell me about Ur self�..
me: I have told each and every thing about me .(when I told I m a university topper he impressed)
Sir: suppose u r on mars and u want to send Ur letter to Ur College�so what will be the postal add�.
me: kdk college of engg�.nandanwan�nagpur �.maharashtra�.India�.asia�..earth.(galaxy)
sir: impressed (hmm)
Sir: do u know any thing about data structure�.
me : yes sir
tell the definition of data stu�.
me: told(perfectly)
Sir: can u write a program for link list.
Me: ya why not�
me:wrriten the program for link list(creation)�
sir: wonderful��
Sir: why do we require the data struc�?
Me: told him (by giving the example of link list� (Extension of program can be possible at run time�.)
Sir: good�..
Sir: can u write a program for Fibonacci series...
Me: why not sir�..
Me: written the program successfully �.
Sir: impressed... Do u know the perfect definition of OOP (object oriented programming)
Me: sorry sir �.I don�t know�
Sir: it�s ok�.
Sir: can u tell me the feature�.
Me: told every one�.
Sir: why do we require the header file�.
Me: coz�it contain the prototype of function whichever used in prog...like cout & cin...
Sir. Good�
Sir: can u create Ur own header file...
me: yes sir�.(told him)
Sir: ok. ..Nice to meet u vaibhav (smile)�u can go now...
Thank u sir��

And finally he gave me the logical question I m unable to answer it. But sir is impressed with me...

Some of my friends ask question about normalization ,genralisation, function pointer, prime no program, factoral using recursion. big o nataion, complexity of prog , ��

1:tell me about Ur self
2.Why do u join syntel
3.Have u study the r.s aggrwal.
4what topics have u read it
5.How do u cleared our apti test..
6.What types of que are there.
7.Do u know the name of person who has taken Ur Ti.
8.Are u fast reader.
9.How many interview u have faced..
10.Why they reject u�
11.Do u prepare for now..
12. What steps will u take for improving Ur comm.. Skill.
13.If I�ll give u the 2 years bond will u sign it..

So in this way I have completed my interview�my final result is not declared�but I m confident I will be selected �..Don�t worry friends�..it�s
my 12th company�..but still I�ve confidence for my selection�

try to face each and every company apti�"Bcoz practice makes man perfect� don�t upset � it is the biggest exam of patience in student life�and the one who the pass this exam , is a perfect .don�t think about them who got placed in company in the first attempt�it was there luck�u will have to improve ur luck�. 

Wishing U all best of luck���. May all of us have  a great career ahead!

With Regards 
Vaibhav narkhede,




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