Persistent Placement Paper
Paper Type : General - other
Test Date : 28 March 2008
Test Location : MSIT, Kolkata
Hi Friends... Our test spanned for 2 days (28th & 29th)
Package offered : 3.0+ ( around 3.2 to3.3 /annum while
2 technical apti +2 technical interview + 1 HR interview
recuritment drive was for two positions
1. Development : for CS/ IT/ MCA
2. Testing: for ECE/EIE/ Electrical
total no. of candidates: 1000+ ( it was a pool campussing;
12 pvt engg. colleges participated)
selected: 17 (10 from development; 7 from testing)
Develpment papers were completely different from the first
aptitude. I am from ECE, Techno India college of Technology
; Hence concentrating on Testing ... day 1:- 1. General
Aptitude ( MCQ): total 30 questions time: 50 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude (15 Q) ( r.s .aggrawal..some tricky
C Aptitude(10 Q)( exploring C...cracking I.T. interview TMH)
English Aptitude (f.i.b)(2 Q)
Probability question(3 Q)
2. Written Aptitude (Quality & Testing)
this section is completely different; no references are
useful; you have to be very innovative;... they judge mainly
on you approach and rough work...
2 questions 1 hr : 1st Questions :
An LIC company has 4 clauses (I forgot the clauses)
have to construct a C function module or devise an algorithm
to accomodate all
the clauses effectively....This was only one part of the
coin... the 2nd part of the question was to analysis the
feasibilty of the algorithm.. i.e. you have to give atleast
3 invalid input and devise what type of output should my
program give...and reason why used this invalid input as a
test input...
Similarly, you have provide atleast 7-8 valid test input,
coresponding output and valid reasons.
2nd Questions:
A puzzle was given...21 conditions...36 (6*6) empty
cells...all cells to be filled by no. from 1 to 9 ,all
numbers can repeat 4 condition for example is
that a single no. can't repeat in its just neighbourhood
cells(row wise,column wise or diagonal wise) Tips: Don't enough rough work analysis...again repeating
...they study only your approach..
Day 2 :
1st technical interview ( a 2-member panel; a friendly
gentleman and a friendly Lady) (about 20 mins) tell me abt
yrself Questions on 2nd Aptitude test...inquired on our
approaches difference between *++i and i++* no. squares in a
chessboard (204...think is not 8*8=64) swap
two varibles without using third variable some more puzzles
what do you know about software testing? what is unit metric
tip: they don't look at your outer looks ....they only judge
your technical ability...never say "I don't Know".....always
go for the question
and spend time analyzing the questions....It is NOT
necessary to correctly deduce always the right answer..but
everytime try to logical reason your approach to the
2nd technical interview (a single person..a bit serious but
encouraging gentleman) (about 45 mins) tell me abt yrself
list some of your core subjects write a program to swap two
variables without using third variable ( lucky to get the
same question) wap to test three co ordinate are in same
line write a program to arrange 1 to10 integers in ascending
order explain some sorting algoritms using a number array
3,4,5,8,1,0,7 ( I explained Bubble sort, selection sort, and
quick sort) which one of them is the fastest...why...what
are their best, worst, and average complexities...give some
disadvantages of Quick sort...why the best case of quick
sort is of the order n*logn (with base 2).... now the
discussion shifted to electronic questions....
what is modulation...
derive depth of modulation for am...
what are different types of modulation....
what type of detection is used in am receiver...why we use
local oscillator...
what is the range of depth of modulation...
show graphically am..
what are different registers in 8085
8085 is 8 bit register or 16-bit register....( 8 -bit)..are
you sure...then why...(data bus 8-bit)..interface a rom and
a ram to 8085 microprocessor clearly indicating CS (chip
select line),rd and wr lines and data bus
Hr interview:
the interviewer was standing ...I was seated...(i felt a bit
awkward and embarrassed and was trying very hard to hide my
tell me about yrself
why persistent
how was our testing procedure
what are your professional goals
do you have any questions?
tell us clearly your present corresponding address ( later
,after selections, they told that they will post the offer
letter to the same address)
That was it guys...a grueling but exciting session...I was
not thinking about get selcted or rejected...just focussed
on clearing each and every round...this attitude helped me a
lot...deliver your best, prepare for the worst.....enough
gyan doses.... chill out guys....
See you at Persie, Nagpur... |