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Mahindra Tech (MBT) Placement Paper


MBT-Placement Paper-26 May 2006

The aptitude test consists of 3 sections:

1. English: It's consisting 35 questions. Some fill in the blanks & some synonym & antonym types of questions. This part is not so time consuming. vyoms.com
2. Logical: This part consists of 20 questions. There r some easy maths but some too time needed puzzle also. I just overlook the puzzles & tried them later after all the answers.
3. Analytical: This part consists of 20 questions. There r some maths, series etc. The series r time series. Such as:

a) 9:27,8:32,5:20,?( Consider the ratio)
b) 3:00,3:31,?(Consider the angle)
Some other types of series r there also.
There r no negative marking in aptitude. 3 different sets r there: - Red, White & blue. I got the white set. Red set r the toughest. There r some common questions between the White & Blue sets.

77 students out of 187 selected for technical interview. The technical interview is based on C language mainly. But be aware, in technical there can be some HR question also. In my 30 minutes interview, I was asked by 2 programmes( Reversal of Name& No of A in name), A binary to decimal, octal & hexadecimal conversion, some easy C questions( difference between '=' & '= ='). Except these all r HR questions. Some can be hard to answer.

45 r selected for HR. This part is tooooo easy. It's may not typical questions. They can ask for ur view on different topics. Don't think much. Just give answer that u think is right & justify it.

29 r selected to get the job.



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