MBT-Test Pattern-2006
This is the latest
pattern of MBT.
Total time :- 1 hr
Section A:- 35 questions
(General English)
Section B:- 20 questions
Series (Number and
Diagram series) -Tough
Section C:- 20 questions
Quatitatve Aptitude(All
questions from
R.S.Aggarwal )
There is no strict time
limit on each
section.You can start
from any section.
There is negative
marking of .25, remember
it is clearly mentioned
in the booklet that
there is negative
marking and suddenly one
person came and told
that there is no
negative marking, but at
the end other person
came and announced that
there is negative
marking and previous
announcement was just to
divert you,so remember
that there is negative
Test Pattern.
The paper was divided
into 6 sections and each
section had to be
completed in 10 min.You
cannot move forwards
backwards. After every
10 min.
Section 1 : Quantitative
Maths 10th level maths,
the type of ques that
come in CAT exams.
Age problem,time &
& work, profit &loss,
Section 2 : Logical
Reasoning ques based on
series, coding, blood
relations , analogy
Section 3 : English
Usage & verbal logic
analogy You need to have
a good vocabulary for
this section.
Section 4 : Data
Interpretation There
were three sets of
problems based on pie
Section 5 : Reading
Comprehension7 mins were
given to read the
passage and 3 mins for
answering the questions.
you are not allowed to
turn back to the passage
while answering the ques.
Section 6 : Logic There
were 2 flowcharts and
some questions based on
them. it was the easiest
section and all the
questions in this
section could be
attempted correctly.
There were total 80
questions that had to be
attempted in 60 mins.
The main thing to
remember was 1:1
negative marking. So
attempt only what you
It was supposed to be a
two phase process -- one
technical interview and
one HR interview , but
the focus in both
interview was HR only.
Even during technical
interview mostly HR
based ques.