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Placement Papers>>INTERGRAPH

INTERGRAPH Placement Papers




> We do not remember the questions exactly, here we just tried to cover
> the major areas.
> Paper consists of two sections : 1. analytical (20 marks)
> 2. C skills (20 marks)total time 45 min
> Analytical:
> -------------
> 1. Given a cube, with different colors on its faces, and then is cut
> into 64 pieces, and the questions relate to the colors of different
> colored small cubes.
> 2. A few ladies and gents sit around table in some given order and 4
> questions are about their seating arrangement with some restrictions.
> 3. Draw a venn diagram for 3 items : white, flowers, cloth
> Ans : draw 3 circles each intersecting the other , with white kept in the
> middle.
> 4. A problem related to seating arrangement of 4 people ( 2 ladies and
> 2 gents) with some restrictions
> 5. problem related to milk with water added to it for three times
> Ans: 20.5 litres
> 6. Problem related to diagrams . Five diagrams were given and asked to
> find the sixth one.
> C-Skills:
> --------
> 1. Max number of nodes in a binary tree with height 3 is 20 : Ans: False
> 2. 10,20,30,40,50,60 : give the order when put in a queue and in a stack
> Ans : Queue : 10,20,30,40,50,60
> stack : 60,50,40,30,20,10
> 3. Debugging is the process of finding
> Ans : logical and runtime errors
> 4. trace the error:
> void main(){
> int &a;
> /* some other stuff here */
> }
> Ans: syntax error
> 5. a problem with a function named 'myValue' will be given and asked to
> find the value of main() for an argument of 150,
> Ans : 150
> 6. Some problems related to 'for' loops.
> 7. problem on conditional inclusion.
> 8. problem related to depth first and breadth first search (DSA subject)
> 9. study the syntax of malloc function
> 10. locate the error
> int arr (20);
> Ans: syntax error.




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