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Hughes Placement Papers
Aptitude Questions 1. Age problem 2. Time and distance 3. Coin 4. direction problem 5. (2n + 2 n-1/2 n+1 – 2n) what is gives if n = something 6. ( 10n –1) n>1 when is divisible by 11.no divisible by 8 7. find the missing no. when it is divisible by some no 8. Boat problem 9. Average Technical Questions 10. Which one is called family tree 11. virtual function and overloading 12. DHCP protocol 13. order of insertion and Heap sort 14. left recursion
find output: for(l=1;a<=l;a++) 16. DEBUG trigger (oracle) 17. In unrestricted session which system privilege mode is used (oracle) 18. NEXTVAL and CURRENTVAL in sequence (Oracle) 19. Unix system call ……like Var( ) 20. OS 384 support which memory management
22. Which WAN network is suitable for the 100Km or m. distance network
If duplicate segments , file are there in hardisk which is best for
management 24. stop n wait protocol is associated with which layer 25. find errors from the c and c++ codes. 26. 3 qns on operating systems. I qn on dijkestra algorithm 27. Using which pin it's possible to address 16 bit addresses even though there re only 8 address bits in 8085? Ans: ALE 28. Voltage gain for an amplifier is 100 while it is operating at 10 volts. What is the O/P voltage wen i/p is 1 volt 29. Quality factor indicates a) Quality of inductor b) quality of capacitor c) both 30. Qns related to bridges, routers and generators, which OSI layer they corresspond to. (Refer to stevens 4th chapter) 31. OPAmp's I/P ciurrent, O/p current and CMRR is given, what is the voltage gain 32. 2-3 qns on scope of static variables in C. Qn to view o/p odf a C static var 33. Qn to print a value of a pointer 34. OPAmp's I/P ciurrent, O/p current and CMRR is given, what is the voltage gain 35. A qn to find the physical address from a given virtual address, virtual to physical address table was provided 36. 6 bit mantissa and 8 bit exponent can present what maximum value? 37. 4 bit window size in sliding window protocol, how many acknowledements can be held? 38. Security functionality is provided by which layer of OSI 39. Frequency spectrums for AM, FM and PM (figure given, u'veto tell which Kind of modulation it belongs to) 40. Among AM and FM which is better and why? 41. LASt stage of TTL NAND gate is called: Ans: Totem Pole Amplifie 42. SR to JK flip flop conversion. Ans: S=JQ', R=KQ 43. LSB of a shift register is connected to its MSB, what is formed: Ans: RING Counter 44. 2-3 Qns based on Demorgan's laws (identiies: (A+b)' = A'b', etc) 45. 2 qns on Logic gates (O/p of logic gates) 46. Diff in IRET and RET statements of 8086 47. How many address bytes are required to address an array of memory chips (4 * 6), each chip having 4 memory bits and 8k registers. 48. Diff. in memory mapped and I/P O/P mapped Input/Output (Refer a book on Microprocessor) 49. Qn on pipeline architecture 50. QN on LAPB protocol
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