HSBC Placement Papers
Paper Type : General - Interview
Test Date : 27 October 2007
Hi Friends, I went to the interview which was an off campus one.If im
not wrong they were around 2k students who gave the Interview out of
which 30 got selected.
This is how the whole selection procedure was
1) Aptitude+Technical written test
2) Technical Interview
3) H.R Interview
The Aptitude comprised of Verbal reasoning, Quants, Analytical
Reasoning.The technical had C&C++ and DBMS. In verbal they had Fill in
the blanks,Rcs and Give the closest meaning. Verbal was quite easy
though the reading passages were a bit tuff but still not that hard
For Quants a bit of brushing of basics is really going to help, they
asked questions like two trains moving in each direction etc. The
analytical reasoning was the easiest of all. In Technical they
concentrated more on the programs of C&C++ like a program and then
depending on that the errors which can pop up while execution. Out of
2000 students 250 cleared the Apptitude.
Then came the technical interview,dis is how it went
1)Tell me something about Yourself?
2)What is the difference between C nd C++?
3)Why is C++ called the oops Language?
Oops..Dont Know..told about encapsulation,abstratction etc...she looked
quite satisfied.
and then came the programs...
4)given a set of 10 numbers write a program which is going to choose
numbers which only end with 3(not 6,9) and then add them.then Select
numbers which start wid 9 and add them after that subtract the sum of
both...Took a bit of time but wrote.She was happy.
5)Given a set of numbers wap so as to pick a number which is a perfect
6)Wap for a palyndrome( Eg DAD)
7)WAP to take a number from the user (any digits) seperate the digits
and add the squares of the digits.
8)WAP on Bubble sort using Pointes.
well those were the programs though they were easy it took a bit of pain
to re call the logic of each nd every program.
She didnt asked a thing on DBMS.
After around 4 hrs the technical results were declared and I got through
then came HR interview,nd dis is how that went
HR-Sorry for making you wait this long( The time was 8 30 pm-The actual
time was 9 AM of day 2)
Ray- No,probs sir.
HR-ok,tell me something about ur profile
HR-OK Good..Now what are your career Goals and how are you planning to
achieve them
HR-Stress a bit more on your skills
Ray-Comm skills,Team player and PROBLEM SOLVING ABILITY
HR-what do u mean by problem solving ability(PSA)?
HR-Give one example where in ur PSA was utilised
Ray-made one and
HR-why HSBC??
HR-What you know abt HSBC??
Ray-HSBC-Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Co-operation.
It has its branches in 82 countries.
It work in various domains like Data warehousing,Mainframes etc.
It is an Industry in Itself
HR-You got any questions for me??
Ray-Yep..asked one.
HR-OKay..Ray Thankyou.
Ray-My pleasure...
This is how it went and after 2 hrs the result was declared and
name was actually there..and I was so happy... The pay package which dey
offered was hmmm... not suppose to say that.
My advice to all is They are concentrating more on your comm skills, so
be sure that in both ur HR nd TEch interview ur FLUENT dont stammer
aruond and make sure what ur talking makes sense because specially in HR
there was lot of Cross questioning.
HSBC doesnt have any BOND process so with the pay package and the scope
which it has it definelty one of the best companies around to work for.
Ray |