Dear friends
I am Ershad Ahmad from Hyderabad .Today(18/3/07) I attended
the written test for CONVERGYS at St. Sebastian school,
Secunderabad. I would like to share some experiences and the
nature of the test .The test was conducted by Merit-Trac.
The test was divided in five sections (100 Q’s 100marks 100
1. Inferential vocabulary. 20 Q’s 20 Mins. 20 Marks
2. Analytical and Logical Reasoning 45 Q’s 45 Mins. 45 Marks
3. UNIX Programming. 10 Q’s 10 Mins. 10 Marks
4. RDBMS 10 Q’s 10 Mins. 10 Marks
5. C++ 15 Q’s 15 Mins. 15 Marks
Inferential vocabulary: (Q.No. 1-20) 20 Q.s 20 marks 20
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
Analytical & logical Reasoning: (Q.No. 21-65)
(Q.No. 21-30) Venn diagram problem
(Q.No. 31-38) Venn diagram problem
(2 Q’s) Assumption problem Such as
India, Srilanka, Australia, England and Pakistan are the top
five cricet teams for the last three
consecutive years 2001-03. Asutralia and England were never
in top 2 positions in 2003 srilanka wasin 4 th position in
the first two years Australia and englasnd interchanged
thire positons.
Q.No 1 Which is the top2 team in 2001 ?
QNo’s 40-41 Simple logical Q’s
Q.No 40. Boys was standing in row a particular boy was
standing in 5th position counted both ways. How many boys
were standing in the row?
QNo’s 42-52 Data sufficiency
QNo’s 52-53 Coding decoding
QNo’s 52 In a certain language BLACK is coded as .Then what
is the code for BLEACH ?
QNo’s 60-65 Cube problem (painting sides)
UNIX programming: Qno’s 65-75 (10 Q’s 10 Min. 10 marks)
To find output of programs mostly code snippets involving
echo command.
QNo. 71 Which is a command interpreter
a). Shell b). kernel c).demon d). none of the above
QNo.s 76-85 (10 Q’s 10 Min. 10 marks)
Question involving Primary Key Integrity constraint.etc
QNo.s 86-100 (15 Q’s 15 Min. 15 marks)
Finding Output from given code snippets
Best of Luck |