ADP Job Placement
Paper Type : Whole Testpaper
Test Date : 18 June 2006
ADP WALK-IN 18th JUNE-2006
Hai Friends,
I've attended ADP WALK-IN (Consistent 70% is the cutoff) on 18th JUNE-2006.
The reporting time is 10am. I reached the center by 9:50am .But there are
already 3000+ aspirants. So my advice is to reach center (especially in case
of Wilkins) 1-2hrs prior.
-->1st round they adopted to filter out such huge number of students is :
English Fluency test in which HR's will asks you some questions like-
Introduce ur self, What’s ur project is all about, Whats ur role in that
project, Stengths&Weeknesses......etc In this round they selected 800
exactly out of those 4000+ .
-->All these 800 are sent to written test rooms ( 8rooms each of 100
seating). Written test is for 1:30 mints which comprises of
1)QUANTITATIVE(Arithmetic...mainly from RS.AGARWAL),
2)VERBAL(corect use of grammar, GRE words..etc),
3)Simple C programs and theory questions on C (for eg: Whats the specific
use of EXTERN INT in C )
4)Lengthy C Programmes (You need a serious preparation to attempt this
section, that much tough are those programs)
In this round they selected only 150-200 students out of those 800.
--> third round I faced was HR. In this HR will asks some questions about ur
family background, and some metal testing questions like : "What will you do
if ur higher authority person would do SEX HARASSMENT with ur one of the
colleague? " And they will mainly sees the discipline,obediance ...etc.
--> Finally 100 people are send for final interview (TR+HR). It is mainly
Technical Round only where in which you are going to face questions like :
1)How do you define CONSTANT in C?
2)Define VARIABLE?
3)Function calling procedures? and their differences? Why should one go for
Call by Refrnce?
4)Difference btwn STRUCTURE and UNION?
5) Whats the specail use of UNIONS?
6)What is a pointer? What is meant by recursion?
7)Can you write a programme for FACTORIAL using recursion?
8)What is LINKED LIST? How can you access the last element in a linked list?
You need a thorough preparation to get through this round ,becaz their
requirement is 3-5. Thats all. SO you shouldbe outstanding to deserve that
job. I failed to get through this round,just becaz of FOOTBALL match on
previous night. Otherwise I might've revised all these C concepts. So my
advice is CAREER first all are secondary.
Hope I provided useful information to you. The reason to give this matter to
you all is : Fron 15th to 17th(one day before to commencement of that walkin)
. Ok naa...All the best for ur career.